Siri Shortcuts

Sorted³ makes it easy to create shortcuts to be used with Siri for repetitive tasks.

To create a Siri Shortcut, go to Settings -> Integrations – Siri Shortcuts. You can choose from the following options:

Add Task

Tap this option to create a pre-filled template for a new Task which you can use with Siri. You can select any of the following for your template:

Once you have chosen any desired options for your template, tap ‘Add to Siri’ and then record a distinctive phrase by tapping the round red button at the bottom of the Add to Siri screen to start recording, and then the square red button to finish recording. Finally tap Done to finish adding the Siri Shortcut.

When you run this Shortcut, Sorted³ will open with a new Task expanded, and with any configurations you have chosen in place. You will need to type the Task title, unless you have chosen to use the clipboard contents.

Add Event

Tap this option to create a pre-filled template for a new Event which you can use with Siri.

You can select any of the following for your template:

Once you have chosen any desired options for your template, tap ‘Add to Siri’ and then record a distinctive phrase by tapping the round red button at the bottom of the Add to Siri screen to start recording, and then the square red button to finish recording. Finally tap Done to finish adding the Siri Shortcut.

When you run this Shortcut, Sorted³ will open with a new Event expanded, and with any configurations you have chosen in place. You will need to type the Event title, unless you have chosen to use the clipboard contents.

Show List

Tap this option to create a Shortcut to open one of your Lists in Sorted³. You choose the List name, and you can also if you wish choose Tag(s) to filter the List by.

Tap ‘Add to Siri’ and then record a distinctive phrase by tapping the round red button at the bottom of the Add to Siri screen to start recording, and then the square red button to finish recording. Finally tap Done to finish adding the Siri Shortcut.

When you run this Shortcut, Sorted³ will open with the List you have chosen displayed, filtered by any Tag(s) you have chosen.

Show Tag

Tap this option to create a Shortcut to open one of your Tags in Sorted³. You choose the Tag which you want to show, and you can also if you wish choose to filter that Tag view on other Tag(s) which may be assigned to the Tasks in it.

Tap ‘Add to Siri’ and then record a distinctive phrase by tapping the round red button at the bottom of the Add to Siri screen to start recording, and then the square red button to finish recording. Finally tap Done to finish adding the Siri Shortcut.

When you run this Shortcut, Sorted³ will open with the Tag you have chosen displayed, filtered by any other Tag(s) you have chosen.

Show Date

Tap this option to create a Shortcut to open your Schedule for a particular date. You can choose ‘Today’, ‘Tomorrow’ or two or more days in the future. Or you can choose ‘Next Sunday’ or any other next day of the week.

Tap ‘Add to Siri’ and then record a distinctive phrase by tapping the round red button at the bottom of the Add to Siri screen to start recording, and then the square red button to finish recording. Finally tap Done to finish adding the Siri Shortcut.

When you run this Shortcut, Sorted³ will open your Schedule for the Date you have chosen.


Tap this option to create a Shortcut to perform a search on a saved term or phrase. Type the word or words which you wish to be searched for in Sorted³ and then tap ‘Add to Siri’. Record a distinctive phrase by tapping the round red button at the bottom of the Add to Siri screen to start recording, and then the square red button to finish recording. Finally tap Done to finish adding the Siri Shortcut.

When you run this Shortcut, Sorted³ will open with the Search window showing your word or phrase and any results displayed.